| IT-Group for the Humanities (LMU) |
 | Hethitologie Portal Mainz: HPM |
 | Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts, Project of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Principal Investigator: Dr. habil. Ilya Yakubovich |
 | Das Corpus der hethitischen Festrituale: staatliche Verwaltung des Kulturwesens im spätbronzezeitlichen Anatolien; Project of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature. Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Rieken and Prof. Dr. Daniel Schwemer. |
 | Luwili: Luwian Religious Discourse between Anatolia and Syria;Project of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany). Principal Investigators: Dr. habil. Alice Mouton and Dr. habil Ilya Yakubovich. |